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The Badge Unbroken

Dear Associates and Community Friends: In the spirit of community, we desire to share with you and your organizational family news about an upcoming production entitled,” Badge Unbroken.” This theatrical project is presented by REH, LLC and is set to debut on Saturday, October 14, 2017 at the Tupelo Civic Auditorium at 7:00 pm. Presented by way of a live stage play, Badge Unbroken, is based on real-life events of once decorated police officer, Robert E. Hall, creator of the Tupelo Community Forward Festival, and founder of Mississippi’s first police athletic league. This project is intently designed to be an informative and practical tool to educate the public about the integrity and character of dutiful law enforcers who use sound judgement to make the right decisions on a day-to-day basis. In a time when society is being tested by the mayhems of social injustice issues, hopefully the “riveting truths” of the Robert Hall Story will cause you to appreciate the power and nobility of justice, now, more than ever before. We are making this appeal to the community at-large primarily, because it’s such a supportive and powerful mechanism in helping to bring valuable projects into fruition. It is a fact that without the lending arm of the community, the livelihood of some worthwhile ventures would simply become lifeless. In light of our vital project, Mr. Hall is adamant about telling his story. Amazingly, it happened that a “discerning” decision made while on duty in a high-pressured situation, changed the trajectory of his entire life! Although he faced insurmountable circumstances, he gave much definition to one of life’s inevitable postures, “What do you do when you don’t know what to do?” Mr. Hall emerged from his experience with the might of his intellect, compassion and strength, to navigate a path that has helped to strengthen and refine relationships between law enforcement and the community. We invite you to learn of the triumphant ending to his story! We sincerely ask for your support both physically and financially for this special endeavor, which only represents “Phase I” of future projects to come from REH. In your generosity, be assured that your giving will be returned to you through the gains that will come from Badge Unbroken, which is destined to benefit the total community. For your convenience, you may purchase tickets online at In the event you have any questions therein, please feel free to contact fellow Executive Board Members, Teresa Roberts at 662.213.7800/Email: or Demetra Sherer at 662.871.3580/Email: We will be glad to assist you. We thank you in advance for your support.

“REH” implements projects to bring about awareness of real-life stories of individuals using diverse forms of media to reach the general public and communities at-large, focusing primarily on educating citizens about the integrity and character of dutiful law enforcers who use sound judgment to make “right” decisions on a day-to-day basis in high-compromising situations.

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