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Are You Dressed Properly?

Do you sometimes feel weak? Do you find yourself giving in to temptation when you really want to overcome? Are you ever discouraged? We all face these moments. But clothed in the whole armor God, the weakest of His children is more than a match for Satan. In Jesus, clothed in God’s invincible armor, you will “be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” You will “be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” (Ephesians 6:10, 11). We Encourage, Inspire, Motivate and create an Atmosphere of Enthusiasm giving Practical Wisdom in Real Life Situations with a Kingdom Point of View. Listen Live at Become a supporting Partner of the UneeklyLiving Radio Show - Contact us via email Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter and Subscribe to our channel via YouTube.

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