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Why You Should Listen to The Uneekly Living Radio Show

Jesus commanded us to worship God in the Spirit and not in the flesh. Many today are very big on pageantry and traditional rituals, and very short on spiritual worship. Jesus said, "God is a Spirit, those who worship him must worship him in Spirit and in truth" (John 4:24).

We release a spiritual prophetic atmosphere in our 2 hour radio broadcast which is really about faith and awareness. Faith that God desires and will in fact speak to His people as we worship Him and awareness as the Holy Spirit leads us.

True worship is never one-sided and always involves interaction with the Holy Spirit. Jesus said: "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:27). His voice can be heard anytime, anywhere, but is most consistently and accurately discerned in the context of worship. When people sense God, hear from God, and meet with God during worship, it has the potential to change them for eternity.

How do we create a Prophetic Atmosphere?

1. Realize that creating an atmosphere where the voice of God is heard is an act of Faith!

Heb. 11:6 “Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”

Jesus made this statement when he was talking to the woman at the well. He also added in that conversation that the spiritual worship of God did not have to be in the temple alone, or on top of the mountain or in a particular physical location. Jesus explained that God was everywhere. This was hard for the religious leaders of the time and it is still hard for some today who do not understand the scriptures and the essence of spiritual worship. Spiritual worship is very important because man cannot connect with God through the flesh, but only through the spirit.

It doesn’t take faith to perform worship songs. It doesn’t take faith to sing tenor, play an instrument, or run a sound board. But it does take faith to believe that the singing of songs, playing of instruments, and operating of technical equipment will actually bring a change to the atmosphere that enables people to connect with the Living God.

2. Make a place for the Super Natural and Unpredictable

When we take the spontaneous and supernatural conversation out of our worship, it becomes dead liturgy! What we desire in our worship is the life, excitement, and anticipation that comes when people are hearing from and meeting with God! This prophetic atmosphere was a consistent element in the New Testament Church and is still available today.

3. Create an awareness/consciousness for the Lord.

As we truly praise, the atmosphere is changed and God is enthroned. Our heart-felt expressions of worship literally set up a zone of God’s authority and His kingdom is established on earth. When we realize the power and significance of this one principle, it can change the way we view our role on the worship team as well as the way we approach the precious moments when we come together for our worship times.

What is an Atmosphere of Prophetic/Spiritual Worship?

Worshiping God is not about dancing, preaching, praying or even reading the Word of God. All those activities just mentioned can lead us into the worship realm. These rituals by themselves are not worship. In the church today, we go through the list of programs as Sunday rituals. Once the list is completed, we assumed that we have worshiped God. What is the difference in going to an opera, a concert, a movie theater, or a ball game? There is no difference because those four activities are based on entertainment.

This is a big problem today because of the theatrical demonstration of the scripture during preaching which is often confused with the spiritual worship of God. Such process tends to ignite human emotions instead of leading people to a prophetic/spiritual worship. After all the emotional excitements in the church, people go home and feel empty because they failed to connect with the Spirit of God during service.

Worshiping of God happens in an atmosphere we create with the help of the Holy Spirit that is conducive to the opening of the Portals of Heaven. Spiritual worship is the product of learning to walk in the Spirit of God. Without a walk in the Spirit of God, creating an atmosphere of spiritual worship is very difficult if not impossible.

An atmosphere of spiritual worship allows the God to manifest in the midst of the people. This atmosphere can happen anywhere, and not in churches alone. In the presence of such atmosphere we learn to ride the waves of the serenity, love, peace and joy as the fruit product of the Spirit of God. This is not the level of praying and asking God for anything. The level of prayer is a level behind the Holy of the Holiest. At this level, the cloud breaks up and falls down, only God is speaking.

At this critical moment, the Spirit of Christ connects with the Holy Spirit within us, and the human spirit is sandwiched between. . "In his presence is the fullness of joy, and in his right hand are pleasures for ever more" (Psalm 16:11).

Prophetic/Spiritual Worship is not for Entertainment

The most important reason why people attend church/service is to experience a spiritual worship. During a spiritual worship, people enjoy the preciousness of the presence of God in silence. They do not have to come to church to experience this. Spiritual worship can be experienced anywhere, even at home.

Corporate worship is also important as well so people can be strength to each other. To experience a spiritual worship, we have to go through a process of preparation otherwise it will not happen.

Worship is the time of spiritual communion with God in subdued humility. It is the time Jesus enjoys his visitation with us. I have experienced many of such visitations. Glory to God! One of the most remarkable experiences is the intensity of spiritual joy that accompanies the presence of God transcending anything ordinary.

"Oh taste it and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who trusts in him" (Psalm 34:8).

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